Saturday is going to be a great day for three zodiac signs who find October 23, 2021 uplifting, inspiring, and the start of wonderful things.

Today marks the first day of Scorpio Season as the Sun moves into this sign after a productive and active time in Libra.  This is also the mark of a fresh new beginning in which we are going to be feeling more drawn to pursue plans and dreams after so many planets turning direct last month. Scorpio is a water sign that is all about depth and transformation, two of the necessary ingredients that go into creating long-lasting change. Beginning this new phase with the Gemini Moon means that we will be feeling more energy than we have previously, but we’re not going to be feeling it in a superficial way. Quite the opposite actually. RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY We are going to be focusing more on the plans and ideas that we’ve had which have felt stalled or slowed, but thanks to the influence of Scorpio we’re going to be drawn to pursue what matters most to us. This means that during this astrological season we are going to be less likely to date casually or even to stay in any sort of relationship which is superficial or isn’t fulfilling our deepest needs. Thanks to Gemini, we’re going to be thinking a lot today. Perhaps drawing us inward to process and reflect on the lessons that the Mars Pluto square has been teaching us about power, control and even manipulation. But what we realize through the energy today is that once we’ve tuned into the truth of who we are and what soul path truly resonates then whether others like our decisions don’t really matter. This is the beginning of living life on our terms.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 23, 2021:

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Welcome to your solar return, Scorpios! This is a time when you are being rebirthed like the Phoenix to let anything that isn’t serving you be burned away in the ashes so that you can be reborn and start this next year on a fresh note. There has been a lot of darkness that you’ve moved through recently in terms of your truth and the truth of others, but here on out is a path towards the light. Today watch for inspiration around unexpected corners and feelings that seem to change overnight. You will be able to have a very different (and healed) perspective that you’ve ever had during these next few weeks so use it to your advantage to be able to more properly build the life that you want to live. Sometimes it feels like life is always hard, but the truth is only through resisting change out of fear do we make that life hard. Stop feeling guilty for simply being yourself and make the promise to yourself that this next year, you’re not going to do one single thing that doesn’t resonate fully with your soul. RELATED: Ask your most urgent questions - get clarity from vetted professional psychics. Try now: $10 free + 5% cash back

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Under the Moon’s influence today you will be feeling more emotionally connected to yourself than you have sometimes. It’s not that you’re necessarily not emotional but being so cerebral you can often logically think through things before you actually begin to feel them. But this Saturday is a time to pause and truly sink into your emotional self. This is a positive thing, but it doesn’t mean that you may see that straightaway. If there are any uncomfortable feelings try seeing the benefit of allowing yourself to go deeper into it. Especially if it’s involving anything or anyone from the past. Those big hard feelings over loss or missing someone can feel overwhelming or as if they aren’t even helpful at all, but there is always a reason, always a purpose. Today is a chance for you to reconnect with your emotional self so that moving forward you can be in a space to not just make decisions based in logic-but from your heart as well. RELATED: Our tested professional psychics are here for you - get clarity today! First time? Get $10 free + 5% cash back

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

This begins the phase of you being able to breathe more easily. As soon as we saw Jupiter turn direct it seemed things have been improving slowly instead of the good days being either here or there. This is go time for this planet right now and in your sign that means it’s go time for you too. If you are not feeling hopeful, confident, on fire and inspired about your life and future then take a look at the people around you. As much as we see that happiness is an inside job, if we are in an environment which squashes any sort of positivity then we can’t expect ourselves to still bloom. Really be ready to take charge of your life during this time as you are and will be making decisions for the next few months that will have an effect on your life for years to come. But this is a no pressure zone. It’s not about whether you will fail or succeed but instead that there is no room for doubt. You’ve been through all the lessons that you have previously so that you can confidently move into this next chapter now, take advantage of all that’s to come, and remember it’s your life, so you deserve to be in love with every minute of it. RELATED: Unsure of your relationship? Get an accurate love and romance reading now: $10 free + 5% cash back Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website. YourTango may earn an affiliate commission if you buy something through links featured in this article.